One week away from the big day! Just put this together so my family can share photos, upload my letters I send home, and keep my current address.
I'm so excited to leave. Really looking forward to getting work done in the MTC and hitting the ground in Fresno running. I believe strongly in what I'm sacrificing my time for. If I didn't know for a surety what I know, I wouldn't go out. This is my testimony: I was raised in the Church. My parents are members, and they have always been very faithful and devoted to the gospel. I based my testimony and belief in the church on their testimonies, originally. However, I came out of the shadow of their borrowed testimonies and tested my own beliefs and have come to the knowledge for myself that this church is true, and this testimony means the world to me. I know that Jesus Christ lives and He loves us, and that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us more intimately and perfectly than we can now understand. I know that Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of our God, and his labors have brought more good to this world than any man, save Jesus Christ alone. I know that the Book of Mormon is the true word of God and that Joseph Smith translated it with the power given to him to do so. I know that this church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has a prophet in these days, Thomas S. Monson, and that he has the divine authority to lead and direct this great work on the face of the Earth. I know that any and all can come unto Christ, that it's never to late to join the flock and come into the loving open arms of our Creator and our Savior. I bear this, my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I figured I'd share my testimony here, it's written in some other places (
So grateful for all the support I've received and all the wonderful people in Texas keeping me pumped about leaving. Huge shout out to my family too. Most supportive group of people I could possibly want in my life.
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