Monday, October 8, 2012

Another Email

So shocked to hear about the untimely death of Naman. That blew me away. I'm so sad to hear that news. He was such a good guy. I hope everyone who reads this keeps Naman Shah's family in their prayers, I will be.
General Conference was perfect. I loved every second of it. I could not get enough, it seemed. I took so many notes I'm astounded that I had time to still listen. One of our more reluctant to accept the truth investigators joined us in a member's home for the first session. It was nothing short of a miracle, to be perfectly honest. She has been meeting with the missionaries for about two months, and has been slowly opening her heart and changing her life. She was thinking about how strong the Spirit was when Elder Cook talked (who apparently looks a lot like Dad haha) and then was thinking 'I need to get baptized and join this church, but I can't. I can't be  a Mormon, 'cuz then I'd be a MORMON.' She has this negative connotation associated with the tag 'Mormon' and when she was thinking that, Elder Nelson said "You know, 'Mormon' is just a nickname we have, we're actually the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and she was stunned that God heard her thought and answered them with the words of the apostles. That talk did wonders for her, and she wants us to help her get into Family History. We're going to help her this week with the same family whose house we were watching conference. They used to be the Ward Family History consultants. Coincidence? Nope.

Also, the announcement of President Monson: WHOA! I cannot believe that 19-year old young women are going to be serving now!! I bet that the number of sister missionaries will at the very least double in the next year. I'm so excited for them. And to be honest a little worried for young men. The new age requirement is a wonderful opportunity, but a very big responsibility to prepare now and prepare well. I know there are many who are ready to take the step, but I'm glad that I had to wait a year because I know I was not ready after I graduated. Actually, maybe. But I'm glad I waited. So, are the Howards going to be sending out two missionaries within the next few months? I could see it! I really want to know which of my friends want to serve missions now. Friends, write me if you start your papers, or get your calls!!!

More on investigators: Ray (Manuel) his brother Jay, and sister Lupita are moving out of town this week, they think, and have baptismal dates for the 20th. I'm praying earnestly that the Elders in Fresno can find them and get them baptized; they're so close! We also have a few other dates, with the nephew of a member and his wife, a man named Steve, and a young man named Jeremiah. I mentioned the Campos family in a previous email, and they are progressing to baptism, but we think it might take just a bit longer to get them to agree to a date. But Sis Campos's sister, Biri, has agreed to be baptized this month. We have a total of eight baptismal dates for the end of October and are planning to set more for November.

There is a lot of crazy things about to happen in the Stake, which I'm not supposed to know let alone share, but very exciting and worrisome things are going to be happening in two-three weeks. I'll let yall know about that stuff after Stake Conference. Sorry for the teaser haha.

I'm so excited for Kingsburg and Parlier. We are so blessed to find so many people that really want to follow Jesus Christ and his example, and great things are in store for these people here. Please pray for the people here that they can let us in, and that we can find those who we know are ready.

Stoked for the Pats. Long live the kings, Tom and Bill.

Let me know if there is anything Elder Bolton can do for you all reading this. I'll do whatever I can to help.

Also, friends, send me pics. I get bored on Preparation Day and need pictures to remember good times.

Much love,
Elder Bolton

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