Week 6
To start, I could not be more grateful for my super suppportive and
loving family. Thank you so so so much. This week has been pretty
great! I did a lot of studying, and have been eagerly trying to complete
a task in Preach My Gospel. I'm looking for a scripture to relate to
every sentence in the lesson sections. It's actually pretty hard for
some, but worth it. It makes me think and search really hard.
On Tuesday night we were lucky enough to have Elder
Neil L. Anderson come and speak to us in the MTC. He shared 9 things
that he said President Monson would say if he had been there. It was
also President Monson's Birthday! The nine points were
1) "Follow the Prophet"--The Lord has called us
through the Prophet Thomas S. Monson and He needs missionaries. He
expects it of us who have been given so much [Mosiah 4]. We must keep
ourselves clean, and pure, and worthy.
2) "Do your duty"--"Do your duty, that is best. Leave unto the Lord the rest" Obedience leads us to the treasures in our lives.
3) "Trust in the Lord: You will be an instrument in His hands"
[Proverbs 3:5-6] We speak of things unseen for things which are seen
are merely temporal. We are all required to know what we are capable of,
and prepare to do it. We are all instruments in an assembly, we don't
always know where we fit in the process.
4) "Let the Lord shape your back"-- We
need not preoccupy ourselves with comparisons. "Whilst we are on the
Lord's errand we are entitled to His help." We would never be able to do
this alone, only through the help of Jesus Chirst are we able to do
this great work.
5) "Smile, enjoy yourself" -- Look for the positive. Laugh. Find joy in life. "Life is not meant to be only endured, but to be enjoyed"
6) "Love the people you serve" -- See Section 84 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
7) "Never ignore a prompting"-- The Lord will
trust us the more that we heed His whisperings. Never, never, never
ignore a prompting of the Spirit. Follow these promptings and pray for
8) "Testify of the Prophet Joseph Smith"--No
matte our pre-conceieved notions, never turn down an opportunity to bear
witness of the greatest man to ever live, save Jesus Christ. Be
unafraid to testify of him.
9) "Become converted to the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: Witness the power of the Savior"
Let Christ penetrate our hearts unto the deepest part of our
understanding and let him change us. I know He lives. He is risen. As
the angel said to Mary when she came to tend to Christ's bodym: "Why
seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen". The
Fall of Adam was redeemed through Him. We have the light of His
revealed truth. He knows us, He loves us. He has carried our crosses, He
has experienced all pain that He may be able to heal us.
District 12A is doing well. We're all getting along for
the most part and Elder Morris and I have gotten pretty close this
week. I saw Elder Mike Trauntvein yesterday and my friend Elder Spencer
Payne. They're both doing well and getting used to the MTC. They have no
idea what they're in for yet! haha. I have received many nice letters
and DearElders. I pray every night that they don't stop! Shoutout to the
lovely Walton fam and all the support they give me! Hope the trip is
going well if you're reading this! and the Jane McGill, thanks for the
letter! hope the arm heals soon :)
Sadly, a lot of my good MTC friends left this week, but
it made me so excited to get out of here. I love the MTC, but the field
is white all ready to harvest!
The everday life
has been easier this week than last, and I'm sure that is thanks to the
many prayers I receive from all you that are reading this. I love you
all! Please keep me in your prayers!! I need them.
Anyway, just picked up a nice sack lunch and can't wait
to eat this yogurt, so until next week, I love you all and keep the
Elder Bolton